
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Be A Family With Lots Of Fun & Fantasy


A bit disappointed today when Asmaa' ask me to bring their breakfast to school but I can't make it. They really love it when I cook 'roti telur tomato' and always ask to bring this to school. Later lah ek Asmaa' huhuhu...

Kids are full with fantasy. They think of how they can change their face? They try to think what if their mother die and will father bring them a new mother without we ask them to think about it. Well actually, kids who play and laugh a lot within the family circle are very happy. As a parent, we need to allow them to be kids because fantasy encourages creativity and it's fun.

So, how to laugh and play lots?
To me, I won't be a playful mother alone. My husband has a lot of capability to cheer up the kids. 'Berdua Lebih Baik' kan??

  • Just play! Allocate time for family fun and don't be afraid to be silly. My husband like to make a funny face, or sometime act like a 'Kappa Mikey'...huhu. If it is me, I would always turn to Tarzan :P
  • Kids just love it when adults joke around & laugh with them. Laugh wholeheartedly and loudly, sharing anything that is funny together. I always find myself  hold to laugh but when I laugh loudly when looking to the kids funny did, seems that my child more happy looking at their Tarzan mother laugh together
  • Lighten up - if U are forever busy and rushing around with what U have to fit into each week, just STOP! Step back & see what can be eliminated or streamlined. Kids dont want us to be too serious
  • Allow them to be kids - try not to burden them with adult worries & responsibilities. But dont spoil them too much. I mean that they dont have to think about 'how to find money' but still they have to learn 'how to save money'.
  • Believe this - the family that plays together stays together. Because they dont find this out of their family. When they are happy in the house with the family, so nothing out there will attract them. 
Our new brand Moving Toy : Ahmadi :)

Enjoy this!!


  1. kesian ahmadi...makan kaki. bila la kau nak kasik dia makannnn....

    u know. my father used to make tis joke that until now we'd never understand how we cud've fallen for it.

    abah: sapa nak ikut abah?
    kitorang: nak nak!! nak! gi mana?
    abah: jalanlahhhh

    after 3 mins...

    kitorang: bila nak gi bah?
    abah: jom... and rises from his seat...
    he walks to the toilet, goes in and comes out...

    kitorang: dah boleh pergi? kena siap dah ke abah?

    abah? laaaa... abah dah balik dah...

    so lame a joke...yet so blur were we... ha ha ha

  2. suker entri ni..
    yeahh.. just make them happy!

  3. Since the entry is in English, i think its just appropriate if i comment in english too.

    Agree with you 100%. Play with your toddler as much as you can, act like a child and you will be surprise of how creative they can be.. :P

    I always played the nursery rhyme's DVD while singing, acting and dancing like the DVD's characters with my sons.. and they love it so much.. :)

  4. Since the entry is in English, i think its just appropriate if i comment in english too.

    Agree with you 100%. Play with your toddler as much as you can, act like a child and you will be surprise of how creative they can be.. :P

    I always played the nursery rhyme's DVD while singing, acting and dancing like the DVD's characters with my sons.. and they love it so much.. :)

  5. Dr Yatie :P apsal lawak abah ko mcm sama dengan lawak abah aku ek??

    UmmuMishkah, apa kata bg diorang hepi2 di Banir Belikong pulak...hehehehe

    Aanas, hope to be a frenly mother but watak Tarzan tu mcm berleluasa pulak...heheheh


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