
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Motherhood : How this tittle change you??


Pernah dengar tak orang kata kat kita??
"Wahh...anak 5 dah ko Pija??"
"Tak sangka ek ada laki berkenan kat ko..dan yang paling aku tak sangka kurus kering macam ko pun boleh beranak 5 tu..."
Memanglah korang tak pernah dengar sbb korang anak 2-3 orang. Saya je terlajak sikit.

Sebut pasal bilangan anak ni, boleh pulak saya cakap kat husband. "Ahmadi anak bongsu kan??" and guess what, Nejad take a long breath before answer...."Kalau mcm tu kena ada 4 maklah nak dapat 20!!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaa...................always like that!

To my old friend, the Pija you used to be is not gone forever actually, Pija has just evolved!!I actually cant become a mother without making huge changes in my life. I have a friend from Taayah, Dr Siti Nurhayati who I really tak sangka will be a doctor (we share the same aggregat at school - best sc student la konon!). After that she getting married and now has a beautiful daughter.

When I say this, "Ada masa ke doktor nak basuh CD??" and she replied, "Sekarang aku dah ada priority dah tau, 1st muslimah, 2nd wife, 3rd doctor and the last is doctor!". Puyyoh...really tak sangka that is Yatie, a fren of mine in Taayah. But she is still Yatie...but new Yatie with a mak-mak character.

So, how to stay like ourself before??

Time for yourself....
How busy you are, you still have to find a time for yourself. It can be difficult especially for a new mother. By the time we try to add the demands of being a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend and blabla..we may feel like, 'hey, there is nothing left for me!?'

I just said like this before while my husband decided to move to P.Putih. My M.Njang asked me, "Mak dgn abah OK ke Ayong pindah?" and I answered emotionally, "Tu lah susah, ini suami ajak, sana mak abah tak berapa nak bg and now, seems like nothing left for me to decide anything." I feel torn between home, work & family. But alhamdulillah, I have a mother, lovely mother who always give me a big heart. She try to understand me and my life become easier again.

To ensure this doesn't happen, we have to set aside time for self, even 10 minutes every day. Yupp....only 10 minutes and the number will be bigger as our baby become less dependent. Sometimes we will believe that this is selfish. It is not actually because by having the time for self, we able to think clearly and enjoy the family when we've been alone awhile.

How to get the 10 minutes Pija??
Study your baby's sleep and wake up time. 10 minutes before the baby is due to awake is the right time to have time for yourself. And it is bonus when luckily they awake late from the due time! (But sorry, if they awake earlier...just find another 10 minutes)

Another way to stay YOU is by hobby
Yes..just take up a hobby, or you might have a hobby that you've done before and wish to continue. But please pick a long-lost hobby. Blogging is actually a cool hobby (for me laa...). I guess kakyong now are looking for jahit2 one, Ayu bake the cheese cake and many more! So what is your hobby??

Being a mother is great actually. Thanx ALLAH for giving me the chance...and for my husband, without you I won't be a mother... but 5 is enough kan?????kan kan kan kan kan kan kan kan??????? kan laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................


  1. hobby blogging jugakla..
    mmg cari masa time anak tido especially kaklong.. untuk baby tak kesah lg.. dia tido dia jaga still leh blogging..
    tp klu kaklong.. bile jaga mesti nak kacau kite & pc.. nak suh bukak utube kartun, kite taip dia pun taip jugak.. tu pasal kene tunggu dia tido.. then barula leh wat entri siap2 2-3 autopublish.. tp bile dia tak tido siang hari.. mmg tak dapekla nak wat entri.. blogwalking lgla tidak..

    hobby len saya suke karoke.. huhuhu..

  2. hhhee.. 5 is enough?? bersyukur punya ramai anak kan? dididik sesempurna mungkin dan bakal membantu kita di"sana" kelak dengan doa2 mereka. it's not easy to be a good mother..byk pengorbanan dan kesabaran diperlukan.:)

  3. kalo time raya seronok ada adik beradik ramai ni..

  4. k.pija,penat membesarkan diorg tu akan terbalas bile depa sume dah besar kelak insyaAllah, hehehe. untung ade anak ramai:)) dan, sila tambah lg, hihi:p

  5. I also can't believe.. me a mother macam kelakar pun ada sebab perangai macam budak2 lagi..perasan muda la tu..still the old me but with motherly character at home but not with friends hehehe...

    sekarang nie macam tak macam dulu berblogging , suka blog hop

  6. blogging is actually one way of showing who you are. In my case, I still the same old me most of the time even after almost 7 years of becoming a wife and 5 years 9 months as a mom. PSst...Knur teringin nok tamboh lg anok biar samo ramai dgn Pijah tapi tula tak dok rezeki lg ni.

  7. pija, k sara ni 3 pung dah kelam kelibut, haha.
    yes its true find ur 'ME' time..or else we might just go insane, huhu especially us SAHM.
    as for me, my hobby is reading romance novel, wah! time tu x hengat dunia, anak kemana kerja umah kemana, syok oo ngadap! hehe..blogging ni br berjinak-jinak tp best gak! ;)

    bg k sara 5 mcm cukup, bg abe mu??hehe.. terpulanglah...

  8. pija,
    tgh syiok2 dok baca ni.. sambil dok pk.. how much diri sendiri dah berubah sejak anak 3... tetiba kuor juga nama ku...
    teringin nak jahit jubah sendiri... tp cam takut jer nak jahit.. huhuuu....

    rasa mcm nak tulis n3 mcm ni jugakk.... copycat ... hehehe.e...


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