Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay


Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay : The Long Wait

Sape peduli dengan cerita ni? Ntah2 saye sorang. Ntah ape la, actually tak minat mana tgk TV apatah cerita kat TV banyak cerita Indonesia. Bukan tak suka tapi rasa macam cerita Hindustan pulak..Statik. ada yg membuli, dan ada yg dibuli. Tapi alhamdulillah, semuanya akan berakhir dgn baik di akhir cerita. Ini lebih kurang trademark cerita Indonesia yang dibawakan kepada kita.

Drama Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay dibawakan dari Philippines dengan bahasa Tagalog mereka. Kalau perati2 memang ada perkataan yang sama dengan Bahasa Melayu kita macam kembar, anak…Uh maleh pulak nak mengingat satu2. actually saya baru sudah menonton cerita ni. Mungkin dah nak habish pun.

Apa yg pelik berlaku arini, airmata berlinang tu…Kalau selalu paling berat level sedih tgk TV adelah berlinang tapi yang ni bila tgk pertemuan semula seorang ibu dgn anak. Apa yg saya nak tekankan kat sini, betapa pemaafnya hati seorang ibu. Sekalipun anak yang dia kasihi tu dah menyumbatkan dia dalam penjara, juga anak itu bakal mengheret dia ke kerusi elektrik, namun dia masih memaafkan anaknya asal saja anak itu mengaku dia ibunya.

Kalau ikut tu malehnya nak cerita dari mula, kat sini saya pastekan sesuatu yang saya copy dari berkenaan sinopsis nya. tapi synopsis ni bagi saya tak berjaya untuk menyampaikan apa maksud saya. Saya pun tak reti nak cakap tapi saya terbawa2 dengan naluri keibuan Lorrea Guinto dalam cerita tu. Ini kerja gilak…Ha ha…

Lorna Tolentino stars as twins Lorrea and Lorrinda Guinto. They grow up with the family Francis Ventaspero (Ricky Davao). Lorrea and Lorrinda fall for with the same man Boris (John Estrada). One night Lorrinda couldn't meet with Boris and she asks Lorrea to pretend to be her. They make love. Francis rapes Lorrea. Lorrea is pregnant and the question arises to francis and boris as who is the father of her child Andrei
In an attempt to get away from the Ventasperos, who kidnapped her son away from her, she gets her child from the mansion. The of francis father gets killed. Lorrea gets blamed.
In the pier, she went down to get Andrei food but is caught by police. Andrei is left with an acquaintance met on the boat. The boat sinks but Andrei is saved by somebody i forgot the name. The one who saved him named him Yuri and eventually dies.
The brother of the guy who saves Yuri takes care of him.The guy is bad.He force Yuri and Ivan to work to earn money.He often tells Ivan that he dreams of a woman crying at the pier waving at him. (Andrei on the ship, Lorrea crying and waving incessantly at him).They ran away to Manila and eventually ended up with a child syndicate. Ivan gets busted by police and Yuri escapes. He is adopted by Mirdo (Ronnie Lazaro).
Years went by. Lorrea in jail, and meets Lorrinda inside. Lorrinda asks Lorea if she wants one day of freedom, as Lorrinda, through her special privileges, gets out of jail during nights. She agrees but then the cell was bombed by Brigitta Vertero (Bing Loyzaga), who is in love with Henri Argos.
Lorrea assumes the life of Ingrid, through Boris' prodding, in a hope to find her son. lorrea is now Ingrid Medrano a.k.a Red Butterfly, mistress of drug lord Henri Argos (Edu Manzano), and stepmom to Helaena (Rica Peralejo), Katrina (Bea Alonzo), and Nikos (Alwyn Uytingco). Once again, Yuri meets his unknown mother now pretending to be Red but they do not know each other.Mirdo and Yuri live at a place called Sittio Nuaves. He befriend with day,Yuri got an offer from one university in he went to Manila and met Helaena,leaving his father and kayla.but after a few months, Kayla and Mirdo will follow Yuri to Manila.after a few incident, Yuri and Helaena becomes friends. Yuri falls on Helaena, much to Kayla displeasure cause Kayla loves him.They become boyfriend and girlfriend, but Yuri realizes that his "pards", Kayla (Dimples Romana), is the one he truly loves. Mirdo then will work with Helaena's father, Henri. Mirdo and Henri used to be friends. Mirdo wants save Henri from being caught by the police. Lorrea then marry Henri in order to save Borris.
Yuri and Ivan also meet again but due to Yuri's blunders, Ivan goes to jail and his adopted mother commits suicide. As revenge Ivan tells Lorrinda that her son Andrei is dead. Ivan says to himself "If I can't have a mother, then Yuri will not have one also."
Eventually Henry Argos criminal empire falls apart and he dies, Yuri also witnesses Red shoot his adoptive father and Briggitta's evil sister Lady Morganna (Jean Garcia) arrives on the scene to screw up the lives of the Argos children and Red, with the help of Dimitri Mijares (Johnny Delgado.Everybody tries to escape, and they were ambushed. Henri dies. Kayla is hit. All hell broke lose when Henri is caught as the drug lord, leaving his kids astonished and penniless. On the fateful day that Helaena went to Yuri's house, she overhears Yuri saying to his adoptive father Mirdo that Kayla is the one he loves and not Helaena.
Yuri and Mirdo are kidnapped separately. A voice instructs Lorrea to shoot Mirdo in order to save Yuri, with Yuri seeing the whole thing. Mirdo dies. Lorrea pulls the trigger but it is actually somebody else that hit Mirdo. Yuri vows revenge. Lorrea is then blown up. But she falls for Boris Arcangel and marries him.everybody thought the Lorrea die in an explosion that smashed her half of her face.Lorrea goes into hiding with francis and heartbroken as she thinks Yuri is dead.
Eight years later Lorrea resurfaces when she discovers Yuri is alive and she goes to Dimitri's place to look for him. She works as Morgana's gardener for a while before her true identity is discovered. She then marries Dimitri who tries to make up for the havoc he caused in her and Yuri's life. Brigitta also dies at this time. She took poison in jail.
Fast forward and Helaena becomes a prostitute. Anilov, Dimitri's son, whom he is at odds with, because Dimitri's favorite is Anilov's sister. She died because of drugs (that Argos supplies), has a party planning company. He falls for her. And makes her to work for his company. And has an alter ego "Mr. X", which Helaena has talking sessions with. Yuri treats Morganna as his second mom. Boris married Morgana, without Boris knowing about what Morganna did.
Yuri, is now a lawyer. He was adopted by Dimitri, who felt guilty about the whole thing. Kayla is in Europe. He meets Katrina and they fall in love. Katrina, recognizes Yuri but Yuri does not. Kathrina wanted to avenge her sister at first. But eventually falls in love too. The scene where Helaena found out about their relationship was a real highlight.Finding out Lorrea is alive, Boris starts to fall in love with her again, to Morganna's dismay. Morganna and Dimitri doesn't see eye to eye anymore. Morganna kill him.
Lorrea's face is fixed through surgery. Yuri and Helaena then realise that Lea is Lorrea. Yuri then prosecutes Lorrea as the killer of his father. Dimitri defendes the case and wins. In the end, it is revealed that Lorrinda is alive and had amnesia. The senate hearing where Lorrea is being charged with drug trafficking proved to be the most riveting. Yuri prosecuting his own mother. Anilov defending.
Helaena and Anilov finds out that Yuri is Lorrea's son. They tell Yuri but Yuri does not believe. He thinks that Lorrea is still Ingrid Medrano / Red Butterfly and since that both Lorrea and Lorrinda had no birth certificates, he thinks she is lying. (the birth certificates had long been pulled out by Lorrinda to erase trace on her). Lorrea is locked in a cell. They have a fight and Lorrea's hand is scratched. Lorrinda appears before Yuri and Yuri says it's not possible. He looks at her hands and sees no scratch. He then believes that Lorrea is her mother and that she in fact has a twin.Morgana then tries to kill Lorrea but end up killing Borris in public.Morgana then kill her self in jail.In the end,Helaena will marry Anilov and have a son. After Borris and Morgana die,Lorrea takes care of their daughter, Alyssa. Katrina become a lawyer. Yuri is now a law lecture in a university. Yuri accept Francis and Lorrea as his biological parents.

Cerita ni adalah adaptasi dari novel kalau tak silap saya. Pada saya ada yang kontranya dalam cerita ni. Mereka mewujudkan watak baik dalam sindiket. Maksudnya, mereka menggambarkan ada orang yang berhati mulia dalam kumpulan kongsi gelap. Walaubagaimanapun, pada akhirnya mereka menunjukkan, kesemua perbuatan jahat pasti akan mendapat balasannya.

Penekanan kepada sifat keibuan Lorrea dan Lady Morgana juga terserlah. Juga sikap kebapaan Borris, Mirdo, Henri Argos juga sangat terserlah disebalik keterlibatan mereka dalam kumpulan sindiket. Ini menunjukkan kebiasaannya, takde mak ayah yang tak sayangkan anak.

Juga menarik dalam ni adalah perbicaraan di mahkamah di mana saya mmg minat tgk cerita yang ada bicara2 kat mahkamah ni. Suka dengar soklan2 peguam dan suka dengar jawapannya. Nampak mcm mahkamah dalam TV sll jek adil. Adekah begitu dalam realitinya?

Dalam cerita ni jugak ada tunjuk jugak pasal cintan cintun tapi benda ni tak menjadi benda focus dalam cerita ni. Sape yg baca apa yg saya tulis arini, musti dah tau ending kisah ni. Mintak maaf ek kalau saya dah pecahkan rahsia awal2. he he… saya letih menunggu sebenarnya.

Kat mana ek saya pernah dengar drama yang bersambung2 ni mudah je buat org sakit jantung. Boleh jadi agaknya. Saya sendrik dengan hampehnya telah menangis. Tapi kali ni betul2 di luar kawalan saye. Malu hoo…nangis lak kat tempat keje. He he.. musti la bukan saya sorang yang tengok.

Bukan la niat saya nak suruh org tgk TV ek, apetah lagi cerita yang mcm ni. Cuma, terlanjur saya menghayati sedikit nilai murni yang terselit di dalamnya, maka jadila kisah saya menulis kat sini. Buat yang membaca, saya berharap, ada sedikit manfaatnya buat kalian.

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